Media Conference  - World’s Premier AI for Business Community MGM Grand, Las Vegas, attended by 60+ live audience  
Avaialble On-demand now
August 14, 2024
Roundtable - Revolutionizing Project Management Webinar atteneded by 1.4K live audience  
Avaialble On-demand now
July 24, 2024
The Rise of AI: How PMOs can Leverage AI for Productivity Management Webinar atteneded by 2.2K live audience  
Avaialble On-demand now
April 15, 2024
The Rise of AI: How to Leverage AI for Agile Project Management Webinar atteneded by 2.8K live audience  
On-demand views  over 18K and counting
December  4, 2023
The Rise of AI: How AI will is Revolutionizing Project Management 

PMI Global Conference 2023
Atlanta, GA
October 28, 2023
Unlocking Project Portfolio Success: The Power of Balanced Scorecard for Project Portfolio Management 

Closing Keynote Speach
North Carolina PMI
Raleigh, NC
August 30, 2023
The Rise of AI: How AI will is Revolutionizing Project Management  

PMI West Coast Confernce
Vancouver, BC
November 17, 2023
The Rise of AI: How AI will is Revolutionizing Project Management